March-April 2024 Prayer Letter
March-April 2024 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor, Church Family, and Co-laborer,
“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.” II Thessalonians 3:1-2. In these verses, the greatest of all the apostles requested prayer from his converts. Paul not only felt his need for prayer warriors to help in overcoming those things that might hinder the work of God but also wanted to give these people an opportunity to share in his ministry. Just like the Apostle Paul, we too desire the prayers of Gods people in order to carry out the work of God in these last days.
We have been very busy since our last letter. The Lord continues to enlarge our coasts and open doors in the ministry. These last two months have been full of revival services in NC, SC, KY, and MS. I am thankful for the opportunity the Lord gives us to be in these churches and attempt to be a blessing to the people of God. We also, had the privilege of being a part of the Little Elkin B/C Family Retreat for a few days. We were encouraged, challenged, and refreshed during this time. It was a blessing to be able to share the scriptures with these families.
As far as prison ministry goes, in April we were at the Graham County Jail for our regular services and then at Lumberton CI for a few days of revival services. The Lord blessed in each service, and we saw eight men call on the Lord for salvation. I am thankful that Lord is still able to save sinners. Please pray for these men and the many others that are incarcerated.
We also have been busy planning and prepping to take a large team to Arbroath, Scotland to saturate the area with the Gospel of Christ. Please help us pray that Lord will give us a safe trip and that many would come to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus. We will be returning to this area in July to preach a tent meeting and we are praying that the Lord will do a great work in this beautiful Scottish town.
We have some specific prayer requests that we would appreciate you praying about. First, I’ve been having some major blood pressure issues and a couple other health concerns that I’d appreciate you praying about. Also, as I mentioned earlier, we will be traveling to England and Scotland in July to help a couple missionaries. Help us pray that the Lord will provide the funds for this trip and a couple other trips we are planning for later this year. We haven’t raised any new support in several years but with the rising cost of travel and inflation, we need to pick up some new monthly support. Please make this a matter of prayer. As always pray for traveling grace and for souls to be saved for the glory of God.
Thank you for your continued support, both prayerfully and financially! We could not do what we do without you. If anyone would like for us to come by and give an update to your church or if we can be a help in anyway, please feel free to contact us. May the grace of our precious Lord be with you always!
There Is Hope,
Todd and Missy McKeehan
January-Febuary 2024 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor, Church Family, and Co-laborers,
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Cor. 15:58. Our desire is to continue to abound in the work of the Lord and to do all we can for His glory in these last days. We are asking the Lord to allow us to do even more for Him than ever before. This year has already been a very busy one and for that we are grateful.
In January, we traveled to Phoenix, AZ to help a couple of our missionaries for a few days. We were able to help Bro. Jeff Wilson knock on doors and distribute some literature about his services. It was good to be back with his family and see what the Lord is doing through them there. We were also able to spend some time with the Goins Family. The Lord is using this family to establish a Hispanic church in Arizona City, and they are doing a wonderful work there. From there, we were back in NC for a Missions Conference at Cherry Grove B/C in North Wilkesboro, NC. The Lord blessed this meeting in a special way, and we are grateful for His help. The Following week we were at Sampson CI for a prison revival. We were able to have an afternoon bible study, which was well attended each day, and then service each night. The Lord blessed our efforts there and three men called on the Lord for salvation. From there we traveled to Florida with Crossing the Streets Ministry for a week-long journey across the state ministering to the homeless population. The Lord certainly gave us a prosperous journey. We traveled over 1800 miles, gave away over 100 backpacks full of supplies plus several more items, and shared the Gospel with many others along the way. We are grateful for the Lord’s protection and His provisions throughout this trip. We had stops in Pensacola, Gainesville, Tallahassee, and Jacksonville. We saw six people call on the Lord for salvation by the end of the week.
In February, we were at Columbus CI for another prison meeting. The Lord blessed and we had one man come forward and call on the Lord for salvation. Many others raised their hands that they needed to be saved but they refused to move and trust Christ. Please pray that the Lord will continue to work on their hearts and that they will come to Him before it is too late. From there we were at Roberson CI. The Lord blessed in this meeting in a mighty way. We saw nine men make professions of faith by the end of the week. The Gospel is still the power of God unto salvation.
Our calendar is beginning to fill up with prison meetings, revivals, special services, youth camps, and mission meetings. We are praying for the Lord to bless these meetings and we are asking Him to enlarge our coasts and allow us to do more for Him than ever before. In May we will be taking a group to Scotland to saturate a couple areas with the Gospel. We are very excited about this opportunity, and we ask that you pray for God to bless our efforts and give us souls for our labors! Also, help us pray that the Lord would bring in the needed funds for this trip. We know God is able.
Thank you for your continued support, both prayerfully and financially! We could not do what we do without you. Please keep us in your prayers as we endeavor to reach others with the powerful Gospel of Christ! If anyone would like for us to come by and give an update to your church or if we can be a help in anyway, please feel free to contact us. May the grace of our precious Lord be with you always!
There Is Hope,
Todd and Missy McKeehan
November-December 2023 Prayer Letter
September-October 2023 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor, Church Family, and Co-laborer,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We hope each of you had a wonderful holiday season and are excited about a new year to serve the Lord! God truly blessed our family with another great year and a wonderful Christmas! We are so grateful for all the cards, gifts, and special offerings we have received during the holidays. Thank you so much for thinking of us during this time of year.
Since our last letter, the Lord blessed us with our first grand baby! Our oldest daughter, Abbey, gave birth to a healthy little boy. Casen James Branch was born on my birthday, Dec 2 and we are beyond excited. Now we are waiting for the arrival of a little girl that Emily is expecting in April. Please pray for her and the baby as she has had some difficulty during her pregnancy.
As far as the ministry is concerned, November was another busy month with two revivals one in NC and another in VA. The Lord blessed each of these meetings in a tremendous way. I am thankful for every opportunity to share the wonderful Word of God. We were also in a prison revival at Richmond Correctional. We had several men attend the services during the week and two called on the Lord for salvation. One of those that trusted Christ was a young man who told me that his father was a preacher and he went on to tell me that his family had gotten out of the will of God when he was a teenager. Of course, this had a very negative impact on his life. Even though he had ended up in prison for his decisions, he was able to hear about the love of God one more time and respond by faith! During December, we had a couple of things get rescheduled for different reasons and we had some extra time at home with family for the holidays.
As we close out this year and begin a new one, we are excited to see what the Lord has in store for us. This past year was the busiest that we have had, and we are grateful, but we desire to do even more for the glory of God! Please help us pray for the Lord to open many more doors for His glory! It is our desire to do all we can in these last days. Our schedule is already beginning to fill up with prison meetings, revivals, mission conferences, and youth camps for this coming year. We are also planning several mission trips throughout the year. We ask for your prayers that God would bless our efforts and give us souls for our labors! Also, pray for our safety as we travel, health for our family, and some new support as the cost of living continues to rise. If anyone would like for us to come by and give an update to your church or if we can be a help in anyway, please feel free to contact us.
Again, thank you for all you do for our family! We are truly grateful for all the support and the prayers that are prayed on our behalf! We could not do what we do without those that partner with us in the ministry. May the grace of our precious Lord be with you always!
There Is Hope,
Todd and Missy McKeehan
Dear Pastor, Church Family, and Co-laborers,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we hope this letter finds each of you enjoying the blessings of our Lord. Let me first start off by apologizing that this letter is a little late. Since our last letter we have been very busy in the ministry.
Beginning in September, we were in eight straight weeks of meetings. One of those weeks was our annual Prayer Baptist Missions School. This is always a wonderful time of fellowship and encouragement. We are thankful for Welcome Baptist Church and Pastor Brad Williams for hosting this year’s school. We had a tremendous week. Several PBMI missionaries were able to be there, and we all left encouraged and strengthened for the work of the Lord. From there we were in Mississippi for a church revival, then back in NC for two straight weeks of revival meetings. We are thankful for these opportunities and how the Lord blessed in each one.
We began October with another trip to Scotland. We were there to be a part of the Heart of Angus Campmeeting (Arbroath, Scotland) hosted by Bible B/C of Dundee. This is a meeting where missionaries from around Europe come for a time of refreshing and we were honored to be invited to take part. It was a blessing to be there and meet several families serving the Lord in the different foreign fields. Hearts were encouraged and challenged during these days and for that we are grateful. We were also able to be a part of the outreach of Bible B/C in Dundee and then preach for them on the following Sunday before traveling back. As soon as we landed in the U.S we traveled to another church for a revival meeting. The Lord moved in a mighty way during this meeting, and we are grateful for His help.
Since our last letter we have had some exciting family news. Our youngest daughter and her husband surprised us with the news that they were expecting their first child. So now we have two grandbabies on the way! Our oldest daughter, Abbey, and her husband are expecting a little boy at the first of December. And Emily and her husband are expecting a little girl in April. To say we are excited is an understatement. Please pray for them and the littles ones they are carrying! The Lord has been so good to our family we can’t even begin to thank Him enough.
Again, thank you for all you do for our family! We are truly grateful for all the support and the prayers that are prayed on our behalf! We could not do what we do without those that partner with us in the ministry. Our schedule is already beginning to fill up with prison meetings, revivals, mission conferences, and youth camps for next year. We are also planning a couple mission trips as well. We desire your continued prayers that God would bless our efforts and give us souls for our labors! Also, pray for our safety as we travel, health for our family, and even more open doors in the ministry! It is our desire to be used of the Lord more and more in these last days. If anyone would like for us to come by and give an update to your church or if we can be a help in anyway, please feel free to contact us. May the grace of our precious Lord be with you always!
There Is Hope,
Todd and Missy McKeehan
June-August 2023 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor, Church Family, & Co-Laborer
These summer months have been extremely busy in the ministry. We started out in June at a prison revival at Lumberton CI in NC. We had some wonderful services for the week, and many were helped by the word of God. From there we had two weeks of church revivals then back to Samson CI for another prison meeting. The Lord blessed in the meting there and several men called on the Lord for salvation.
The first week of July has been the same for many years. We always start off in youth camp with Calvary B/C of Becker MS. This July was no different. The Lord gave us a wonderful week of camp. We had some tremendous services, and seven young people called on the Lord for Salvation. We always enjoy our time there and are thankful for how the Lord blessed this year. From there we were at another prison revival at Columbus CI in NC. We were able to have three bible studies and three preaching services for the week with a total of 332 in attendance. We saw 14 men trust Christ as their savior and many others got help from the Lord. What a blessing to see the Lord work in hearts and change lives.
August was another busy month, we started off with another youth camp at the Corinth B/C in Lucedale MS. We had a great time of fun, fellowship, and worship. The Lord touched hearts during this meeting and four young people called on the Lord for salvation. One of those was the pastor’s daughter. From there we were at the Yancey County Jail for our regular services and saw another man ask the Lord to save him. After a couple church revivals where the Lord really helped his people, we were in Wiggins MS for another prison revival. This was the first time I had ever been to this prison. We had a great time with the men there and by the end of the meeting four individuals had asked the Lord to save them from their sins. Seeing people call on the Lord and profess Him as their savior never gets old. We are so thankful for the opportunities the Lord has given us to proclaim the good news that Jesus Saves!!
Thank you again for your continued support, both prayerfully and financially! We love and appreciate each of you! It is humbling to know that God’s people give so we can do the work that God has called us to do. We don’t take that for granted but we pray for you continually that God would supply all your need according to his riches in glory! Please keep us in your prayers as we have a very busy fall schedule with another trip to Scotland in October and we are asking the Lord to supply our needs and bless our efforts to reach others with the Gospel. Also, we are beginning to work on our schedule for next year. If we can help you in any way or if you would like for us to come by to give an update on what the Lord is doing, just let us know. Thanks again and God Bless!
There Is Hope,
Todd & Missy McKeehan
April-May 2023 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor, Church Family, and Co-laborer,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we trust this letter finds each of you doing well and enjoying the blessings of God. We have been very busy since our last letter. April was a very busy month with several revivals, mission conferences and jail meetings. The Lord blessed in these services, and we had one young man call on the Lord for salvation in the Yancey County Jail. Things are beginning to open up in the jails and prisons and we have several prison revivals scheduled in the coming days.
In May, we had the privilege of taking a small group to Scotland to help missionary Howard Alverson distribute the Gospel in the town of Forfar. While we were there, we were able to put a John and Romans in every home in the town and several in another community as well. The Lord blessed our efforts, and we are excited to see how the Lord uses the seed that was planted in the coming days. We were able to be there for the first service at Harvest Baptist Church in Forfar, Scotland with Bro. Alverson and his family. What a blessing to be a part of this special day. Please help us pray for this dear family and their new church plant, as they continue to reach that community with the Gospel. Also, help us pray for more laborers to reach the United Kingdom. They are many towns and cities in the United Kingdom that do not have a Gospel witness and we are asking the Lord to send forth laborers into the harvest!
As soon as we landed back in the US, we were back on the road here traveling to the Yancey County Jail and then to another church for their revival efforts. We have only had a few days at home over the last several months and we are grateful for the Lord’s mercies in our life. We have a very busy rest of the year scheduled with another trip to Scotland in the fall. Please help us pray that Lord will bless our efforts to reach others with the Gospel and provide our needs as He sees fit. We appreciate all that you do for our family and ministry. There is no way we could do what we do without the support of God’s people. We do not take your kindness for granted but we pray for each of you continually.
Missy has struggled with some issues over the last couple of months and is currently steal having some issues. We would ask that you pray for the Lord to touch her and give her strength. Also, our oldest daughter (Abbey) and her husband are expecting our first grandchild and we are very excited about this. Please pray for her, and the baby that all is well.
Again, thank you for all you do for our family! Please continue to pray that the Lord will use our family and that He will get the glory in all things! If anyone would like for us to come by and give an update to your church or if we can be a help in anyway, please feel free to contact us. May the grace of our precious Lord be with you always! God Bless!
There Is Hope,
Todd and Missy McKeehan
January- March 2023 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor, Church, & Co-Laborer
Dear Pastor, Church Family, & Co-Laborer,
Let me start off by apologizing for the delay in getting our prayer letter out. The last few months have been very hectic. We have been trying to plan a wedding for our youngest daughter (Emily) along with maintaining a very busy schedule on the road. Emily married Andrew Patterson in March and they are serving the Lord in our home church. We are thankful for the Lord’s blessing on our family. Both of our daughters are now married and involved in the ministry. Though we miss them greatly, we are excited to watch how the Lord uses their lives for His glory!
We started off the year at Cherry Grove Baptist Church for their annual mission conference. The Lord gave us a wonderful meeting with these dear people. During this conference they had a missionary that was involved in a printing ministry. While he was there, we pitched in with the church and helped fold and staple 10,000 John and Romans to be sent out to the mission field. This was a great blessing to be involved in.
February we were on the road almost the whole month for revivals, jail services, and mission conferences. The Lord allowed me the privilege of preaching a revival meeting at my home church for a few days. The Lord moved in a great way and on the last night of the meeting, our pastor’s granddaughter called on the Lord for salvation. We praise the Lord for how He moved during these services. We also had a gentlemen call on the Lord for salvation during our regular service at the Graham County Jail.
We were home only for a few days to have a wedding in March and then we were back on the road in meetings. The last week in March we flew to Phoenix, Arizona to help Bro Jeff Wilson knock on doors for his church plant there. We knocked on 4,000 doors during the week. Please help us pray that the Lord would use the seed that was planted to touch hearts. Also, during the week I was able to go down and visit Bro. Bobby Goins during their midweek service. Bro. Goins has planted a Hispanic church about an hour outside of Phoenix. He interpreted while I preached, and we had a wonderful time together. This was a very productive week. Help us pray for these two families as they serve the Lord on the mission field. I would also like to thank Pastor Mark Hill and his church for making this trip possible.
Our calendar is filling up with prison meetings, revivals, special services, youth camps, and mission meetings. We are praying for the Lord to bless these meetings and are we are asking Him to enlarge our coasts and allow us to do more for Him than ever before. In May we will be traveling back to Scotland helping missionary Howard Alverson knock on doors for his church plant. We are very excited about this opportunity, and we ask that you pray for God to bless our efforts and give us souls for our labors! Also, help us pray that the Lord would bring in the needed funds for this trip. We know God is able.
Thank you for your continued support, both prayerfully and financially! We love and appreciate each of you! It is humbling to know that God’s people give so we can do the work that God has called us to do. We don’t take that for granted but we pray for you continually that God would supply all your need according to his riches in glory! Please keep us in your prayers as we endeavor to reach others with the powerful Gospel of Christ! If anyone would like for us to come by and give an update to your church or if we can be a help in anyway, please feel free to contact us. May the grace of our precious Lord be with you always!
There Is Hope,
Todd and Missy McKeehan
November-December 2022 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor, Church Family, and Co-laborer,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We hope each of you had a wonderful holiday season and are excited about a new year to serve the Lord! God truly blessed our family with a prosperous year and a wonderful Christmas! We are so grateful for all the cards, gifts, and special offerings we have received during the holidays. Thank you so much for thinking of us during this time of year. The goodness of God and His people have overwhelmed us again!
During November we had the privilege of returning to Eastman Youth Detention Center for revival services. Through the years we have saw the Lord do amazing things in this facility. This week was no different. The staff was very helpful in allowing different groups to come each night. During these services, two young men came forward and called on the Lord for salvation. We praise the Lord for touching hearts during this meeting. From there we went to Logan, UT to be a part of a Bible College graduation and revival services at the Mount Logan Baptist Church for Missionary Nathan Kirkman. We are grateful for this opportunity and how the Lord blessed in the services there.
At our regular services in the Yancey County Jail, we had one man come forward with a broken heart and asked the Lord to save him. He said that he was sick and tired of his sin, and he wanted a different life. I am glad for the promise of a new life through the Lord Jesus. Pray for this man that he would add to his faith and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord. Also, pray for those who haven’t trusted Christ yet. Many have acknowledged their need for salvation but continue to refuse to come to Christ. This is heartbreaking!
For the last several years we have closed out December at Turkey Cove Baptist Church for their annual Winter Teen Jubilee. This year the meeting was a tremendous blessing, and we are thankful for how the Lord worked in hearts.
As we enter a new year, we are excited to see what the Lord has in store for us. Our schedule is already beginning to fill up with prison meetings, revivals, mission conferences, and youth camps. We are also planning several mission trips throughout the year. We ask for your prayers that God would bless our efforts and give us souls for our labors! Also, pray for our safety as we travel, health for our family, and even more open doors in the ministry! It is our desire to be used of the Lord more and more in these last days. If anyone would like for us to come by and give an update to your church or if we can be a help in anyway, please feel free to contact us.
Again, thank you for all you do for our family! We are truly grateful for all the support and the prayers that are prayed on our behalf! We could not do what we do without those that partner with us in the ministry. May the grace of our precious Lord be with you always!
There Is Hope,
Todd, Missy, and Emily
September-October 2022 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor, Church Family, and Co-laborer,
“Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:20. “Ambassadors for Christ.” This is the title Paul gives to those who determine to carry out our Lord’s instruction to evangelize the nations. While our Savior Himself is personally in Heaven, seated on the right hand of the Father, we are called to represent Him in this world. Our earnest desire is to be faithful in fulfilling this duty that is giving to every believer.
The last two months have been extremely busy with jail services and revival meetings. The Lord blessed the services in both the Yancey County Jail and Graham County Jail the last two months. Recently in one of our services at our local jail, two young men came forward and poured their hearts out unto the Lord. Both said they had been saved but that they had gotten away from the Lord and that their lives were in a mess. Both asked the Lord to forgive them and restore their fellowship. I am thankful for every sinner that gets saved but I am also thankful for the prodigals that come back to the father. Please pray for these men that the Lord would continue to work in their lives.
The Lord also allowed us to be in NC, GA, TN, and MS preaching in different churches over the last two months. The Lord blessed these services, and several were challenged through the Word of God. We also saw one young man come forward and ask the Lord to save him at a church in NC.
The next couple months we will be on the road in several different meetings including a juvenile prison in GA and a trip to Utah. We are excited about the opportunities that the Lord has given us to serve Him in these days. We are beginning to work on our schedule for next year. If we can help you in any way or if you would like for us to come by to give an update on what the Lord is doing, just let us know.
Thank you for your continued support, both prayerfully and financially! We love and appreciate each of you! It is humbling to know that God’s people give so we can do the work that God has called us to do. We don’t take that for granted but we pray for you continually that God would supply all your need according to his riches in glory! Please keep us in your prayers as we endeavor to reach others with the powerful Gospel of Christ! May the grace of our precious Lord be with you always!
There Is Hope,
Todd, Missy, and Emily
July-August 2022 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor, Church Family, and Co-laborer,
We are thankful for another opportunity to share how the Lord has blessed our family during these days. This summer has been extremely busy in the ministry.
We started out the month of July at a youth camp for Calvary Baptist Church of Amory MS. We have been involved in this meeting for the last nine years and it is always a tremendous blessing! Calvary Baptist Church and Pastor Rodney Waycaster do a wonderful job putting on this camp and we are grateful they allow us the opportunity to be a part of it. God moved in a powerful way during this week. From there we were at Eastman YDC for a revival at this facility. This week was a tremendous blessing. One night many of us began to testify of the goodness of our Lord and His presence was evident in our midst and one young man called on the Lord for salvation. We then were at Mission Hill B/C for a youth revival. We are thankful for what God did during this meeting. The next day, after we closed out this meeting, we traveled to the country of Scotland. While we were there, we were able to spend some time with the Alverson Family and see the building the Lord gave them which will be the home of their future church plant. Also, I had the privilege of preaching in a two-week tent meeting in the town of Arbroath, Scotland. It is hard to express all that the Lord did during this meeting. We saw over 80 visitors under the tent and many more outside each night. Three men came forward and called on the Lord for salvation. One of the men that got saved, said that he had been an alcoholic most of his life. He went on to say that he thought he could find something that might help him under the tent. After coming for several nights and asking many questions, he came to the altar and asked the Lord to save him. He didn’t find something to help, he found SOMEONE to help. Glory!!! This town has around 24,000 people and not one solid Bible preaching church. Would you help us pray for laborers in Scotland. The current missionaries that are there are working hard to reach this country but they simply need more help.
During August we were very busy with another tent meeting in NC and revival meetings in NC, LA, & VA. Please continue to pray for our family as we seek to serve in whatever capacity the Lord sees fit. We have another revival in a juvenile facility scheduled for the fall and we are praying for more prisons and jails to continue to open up for in person services. We also have several church revivals, mission conferences, and special Sundays on our schedule in the coming days. Please help us pray for the Lord to bless in these services as well. If you would like us to come by and give an update on the ministry or if we can be a help to your church in any way, just give us a call. Thank you again for your faithful support of our ministry. We could not do what we do without your help. May the grace of our precious Lord be with you always! God Bless!
There Is Hope,
Todd, Missy, & Emily
May-June 2022 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor, Church Family, and Co-laborer,
Greetings in the name that is above every name, we hope this letter finds each of you enjoying the goodness of our Saviour! We have been very busy in the work of the Lord since our last letter. The first weekend in May, Brother Gary Crisp and I traveled to Whitewater, MT to help one of our missionaries as they are turning the work they started over to a preacher that was called out of that church plant. It was a blessing to see how the Lord had blessed this work and to participate in their special services. From there I traveled to the Mt Logan Baptist Church in Mt. Logan, Utah to preach in their Vision Week. Four other men from our supporting churches traveled with us. We had a tremendous week. We helped at a new church plant in Ogden, UT and preached for PBMI Missionary Bro. Phillip More at his new work in Farmington, UT.
In June, Missy and I traveled to England to be with Missionary Roger Tooley. We had a wonderful time during this trip. I had the privilege of preaching a tent meeting for Bro. Tooley in Corby, England where his church is located. The Lord blessed the services and we had several visitors each night. The seed was planted and we are praying for the Lord to give the increase. Bro. Tooley and his precious wife have served faithfully in England for many years and are doing a great work for the Lord. Please pray for them as they try to reach others with the Gospel. As soon as we got back home, I traveled to the Yancey County Jail for our regular services. The Lord blessed and we were able to deal with a couple men that were struggling with some issues after the service. Please pray for these men that they would continue to seek the Lord in their lives. From there we were in AL and NC for revival meetings. We finished off the month of June at PBMI’s annual mission school. This was a great week of preaching and fellowship with all the other missionaries.
The next few months are going to be very busy. We have prison revivals, youth camp, church revivals, and a trip to Scotland. We are excited about the opportunities the Lord has given us to serve Him. Please pray for traveling mercies and that the Lord would bless these meetings and many souls will be saved for His glory. Also, continue to pray for the prisons to open up to full capacity. We know the Lord is able.
Thank you for your continued support, both prayerfully and financially! We love and appreciate each of you! It is humbling to know that God’s people give so we can do the work that God has called us to do. We don’t take that for granted and we pray for you continually that God would supply all your need according to his riches in glory! Please keep us in your prayers as we endeavor to reach others with the powerful Gospel of Christ! If anyone would like for us to come by and give an update on what God is doing, please contact us and we would be glad to come back by. May the grace of our precious Lord be with you always! God Bless!
There Is Hope,
Todd, Missy, and Emily
March-April 2022 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor, Church Family, and Co-laborer,
“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” Rom. 5:1-2. Faith is taking God at His word. The Gospel is the glad message of an accomplished redemption through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. What a blessing it is to know that the work of redemption is finished and that we have a complete and glorious message to take into all the world. We are grateful for every opportunity He has given us to share the good news of redemption.
We have been very busy since our last letter. It is amazing at the doors the Lord has opened for us and continues to open. For years we have prayed for the Lord to enlarge our coasts and He has certainly done just that. In March, we started off in Dawsonville, GA for a mission conference with the fine people of Harvest B/C. We had a wonderful time and the Lord blessed during these days of meeting. From there we were in Louisville KY for a youth meeting and then to Amory MS for a bible conference. Since the prisons have still been slow to reopen fully, it is a blessing to be able to stay busy in the work of God. During the month of April, we traveled to several different churches in NC, VA, AL, & MS. At the end of April, Bro. Gary Crisp and myself traveled to Whitewater, MT to be with our PBMI missionary Bro Chad Wisher. Bro Chad is turning over his church plant to a man God has called out of that work. We were there for a few days to help in ordaining the gentleman and to witness this transition. We are grateful how God has blessed this work and are excited about what He is doing there.
We have some very specific prayer requests that we would ask you to remember when you pray. First off, the prisons are experiencing the same problem that a lot of places are and that is a shortage in staffing. This is hindering them from opening up completely and allowing us to reenter at the same capacity as pre COVID. We are getting some opportunities to reach the incarcerated but not as much as we would like. Please help us pray that the staffing problems and the restrictions could be resolved soon. They are so many people sitting in a cell somewhere that are in desperate need of a Gospel witness and we desire to do all we can to reach them. Also, we have two trips planned to Europe this summer. One in London and the other in Scotland. We will be doing an evangelistic campaign in these two regions for the local missionaries. We are asking the Lord to bless these efforts, encourage these missionaries, and touch the lives of many for His glory! As you can imagine, the costs of these trips will be somewhat expensive. Traveling costs have went up substantially, like everything else, but we know our Lord is able to provide. Please help us pray that He will provide the needed funds. Lastly, we would ask you to pray for traveling mercies as we have an extremely busy schedule in the days ahead.
Thank you again for all you do for our family. We are so grateful to the Lord for allowing our paths to cross with so many great people and churches. If anyone would like for us to come by and give an update on what God is doing, please contact us and we would be glad to come back by. May the grace of our precious Lord be with you always! God Bless!
There Is Hope,
Todd, Missy, and Emily
Jan-Feb 2022 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor, Church Family, and Co-laborer,
Ephesians 3:20 “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” This is the verse that the Lord has placed on our hearts for this new year and we are excited about what He is going to do in the days ahead! We are asking the Lord for some big things and we are thankful that He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.
We began the month of January with a COVID outbreak in the Mckeehan household. Thankfully, were able to recover quickly and with mild symptoms. Then we were at the Riley Memorial Missionary B/C for a revival meeting. The Lord gave us a great week and we saw one young lady call on the Lord for salvation. From there we were at Mountain Top B/C for a special service on a Thursday night. The Lord moved in power and the pastor extended the services for two more nights. Another young girl called on the Lord for salvation in this meeting as well. We praise the Lord for His blessings on these services.
The jails and prisons are beginning to open back up and we praise the Lord for this answer to prayer. We are now back to having services at the Yancey County and Graham County jails. Also, we currently have some prison meetings scheduled and are doing what we need to do in order to get back into even more facilities. Please help us pray that the Lord will continue to open doors in this part of our ministry. They’re so many incarcerated people that have been without a gospel witness for two years now and it is exciting to think of the opportunity to evangelize these people again.
Our calendar is filling up with prison meetings, revivals, special services, youth camps, and mission meetings. We are praying for the Lord to bless these meetings and are we are asking Him to enlarge our coasts and allow us to do more for Him than ever before. Also, we have two overseas trips planned for this year. In June we will be traveling to England to help missionary Roger Tooley and in July we will be in Scotland helping missionary Howard Alverson. Both of these trips will be similar in that we will be canvasing the areas with the Gospel and also preaching in a tent meeting in each location. We are excited about these opportunities that the Lord has given to us and we ask that you would pray for God to bless our efforts and give us souls for our labors! Also, help us pray that the Lord would bring in the needed funds for these trips. We know God is able.
Thank you for all you do for our family! We are truly grateful for all the support and the prayers that are prayed on our behalf! We could not do what God has called us to do without you. If anyone would like for us to come by and give an update or if we can be a help to you and your church in anyway, please contact us and we would be glad to work out a time to come by. May the grace of our precious Lord be with you always! God Bless!
There Is Hope,
Todd, Missy, and Emily
Nov-Dec 2021 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor, Church Family, and Co-laborer,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we hope each of you had a wonderful holiday season and are excited about a new year to serve the Lord! God truly blessed our family with a prosperous year and a wonderful Christmas! We are so grateful for all the cards, gifts, and special offerings we have received during the holiday season. The goodness of God and His people have overwhelmed us again! Thank you so much for thinking of us during this busy season.
During November we had the privilege of returning to Eastman Youth Detention Center for revival services. Because of the continued trouble with Covid, we were not sure if we would be allowed to return there this year. However, the Lord worked it out and gave us some wonderful services. During three days of meeting one young man called on the Lord Jesus for salvation. Also, during November, we were allowed to continue our regular services at the Yancey County Jail. We are having to take extra precautions in order to be able to enter the facilities but it is worth it to be able to share the Gospel of the Lord Jesus.
For the last several years as we have worked in prisons, the Lord has opened doors in many other areas of ministry. From revivals, mission and youth meetings, and assisting missionaries both foreign and domestic. I am amazed at the doors the Lord has opened over the last twelve years. This year has been no different. Recently I was approached by our mission board (Prayer Baptist Missions International) about becoming the Assistant Director. After much prayer and consideration I have accepted that position. We will continue to work in the prison ministry and also help in assisting our General Director Bro. Gary Crisp. Also, we will be assisting our current missionaries and doing all we can to further the Gospel message to the world. This is not a complete change in ministry it is just another avenue to help reach the world with the Gospel. We are excited about the future and are looking forward to doing all we can for His glory.
We are grateful to enter into a new year and are excited to see what the Lord has in store for us in the days ahead. Our schedule is already beginning to fill up with prison meetings, revivals, missions conferences, and youth camps. We ask that you would pray for God to bless our efforts and give us souls for our labors! Also, pray for our safety as we travel, health for our family, and even more open doors in the ministry! It is our desire to be used of the Lord more and more in these last days.
Thanks again for your faithful prayers and support. We could not do what we do without you. If anyone would like for us to come by and give an update to your church or if we can be a help in anyway, please feel free to contact us. God Bless you all!
There Is Hope,
Todd and Missy Mckeehan
Sept-Oct 2021 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor, Church Family, and Co-laborer,
1 Corinthians 15:58 “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” What an encouragement it is to know that our labour for the Lord is not in vain. There is no doubt that only eternity will reveal all that has been accomplished for His glory! We are so grateful for each one that has partnered with our family in the work of the Lord and allowed us to labour in His field! We could not do what all that we do with out your faithful support and prayers!
With the recent resurgence of Covid, the prison ministry has still been very limited. However, we have not let that keep us from being busy in the work of the Lord. We have continued to do what we can to reach others with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. We have been very busy in revival and missions meetings. The Lord has blessed we have saw several professions of faith in the last couple of months. One of these professions was the mother of the pastor at Jackson Creek B/C we were at for revival. On Tuesday night of the meeting, she left the service under deep conviction. The following night she came back and trusted Christ as her Savior. The pastor testified that he had been praying for her salvation for over nine years. On Friday night of the meeting, his twelve year old boy got saved by the grace of God. Needless to say, the pastor was beside himself. What a blessing to see God work in the lives of people.
During the month of October, we were at the Mt. Calvary B/C in Ronda NC for revival services. We had a tremendous week with these precious folk and on Friday night they surprised us with several bags that their young people had packed for our homeless ministry. This was a blessing and we have already distributed those bags to several of the homeless people. It is so heartbreaking to see the condition some are living in. We recently were passing through Asheville NC and saw four men behind a restaurant that were homeless. We approached them and offered them one of these backpacks and shared the Gospel with them. They all were so thankful for the bags and they were excited to discover that they had a Bible in them. Please help us pray that the Lord will work in the hearts of these men and that God would touch their hearts through His Word. We closed out the month of October at Bible B/C for their missions Jubilee and then at the Pilgrims Way B/C for their fifth Saturday youth meeting.
The next couple months we will be on the road in several different meetings including a juvenile prison in GA. We are excited about the opportunities that the Lord has given us to serve Him in these days. We are beginning to work on our schedule for next year. If we can help you in any way or if you would like for us to come by to give an update on what the Lord is doing, just let us know.
Again, thank you for all you do for our family! Please continue to pray that the Lord will use our family and that He will get the glory in all things! May the grace of our precious Lord be with you always! God Bless!
There Is Hope,
Todd, Missy, and Emily
July-August 2021 Prayer Letter
Dear Pastor, Church Family, and Co-laborer,
We hope this letter finds each of you doing well and prospering in the goodness of our Lord. He has certainly been good to our family! The Lord has always been faithful prov
iding our needs and even giving us some of our wants and we are grateful for His kindness!
In spite of all that has been going on with COVID, this has been an extremely busy year to date. It is amazing how the Lord opens doors. We are grateful for every opportunity to share the glorious Gospel. We started out the month of July preaching a youth camp for Calvary Baptist Church of Amory MS. We have been involved in this meeting for the last several years and it is always a tremendous blessing! The Church and their precious pastor do a wonderful job putting on this camp and we are grateful they allow us the opportunity to be a part of it. The Lord moved in a mighty way in every service and we witnessed several young people call on the Lord for salvation. Also, we were able to hold revival services in a Juvenile facility in GA. This is the first time we’ve been allowed to hold in person services since the pandemic started. This is one of the institutions that we had written several devotional letters and sent into. The young men that attended the services were extremely hungry for the Word of God. One young man called on the Lord for salvation and others were encouraged during these services. We finished the month of July, at a supporting church where we helped in their VBS for the week!
In August the Lord allowed me the privilege of preaching a tent meeting in the Sandy Ridge community of NC. God moved in a might way in these services and several individuals called on the Lord for salvation. We are grateful for the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. We were also able to help with another VBS in Morganton, NC during August. It is always a blessing to work with young people and encourage them to dedicate their lives to the Lord Jesus. From there we were in meeting in Culpepper, VA. Also, I am teaching in two separate Bible colleges and we have began the new year. This is a wonderful opportunity that I am grateful for. Our desire has been to stay busy for the Lord during these uncertain times that we are experiencing. He certainly has been faithful in opening doors in the ministry.
Please continue to pray for our family as we seek to serve in whatever capacity the Lord sees fit. We have another revival in a juvenile facility scheduled for the fall and we are praying for more prisons and jails to continue to open up for in person services. We also have several church revivals, mission conferences, and special Sundays on our schedule in the coming days. Please help us pray for the Lord too bless in these services. If you would like us to come by and give an update on the ministry or if we can be a help to your church in any way, just give us a call. Thank you again for your faithful support of our ministry. We could not do what we do without your help. May the grace of our precious Lord be with you always! God Bless!
There Is Hope,
Todd, Missy, & Emily